Saturday, January 24, 2009


Here are the things one must do before they die:

1.Run through a field of wheat.
2.Frolic through a field of wheat.
3.Run through a field of wheat and catch the one you love in your arms, swoon and kiss.
4.Run through a field of wheat on a horse and steal a wench from a neighboring village.
5.Run through a field of wheat on a HORSE, SWORD hung low and CHOP some A holes head off. Then REAR UP ON THE HORSE WHILE RAISING YOUR BLOOD STAINED SWORD IN THE AIR. This has it's best effect when done in slow motion. That takes excellent horsemanship and lots of practice.

6.Ride a killer whale.

a.Hold it's dorsal fin at first.
b. build your courage
c. Now, let it push you up in the air and forward on it's NOSE! Keep your body firm as fuck head thrust back, hands splayed jazz style and at the hips.

7. Find a man who's being a creep to a woman and surprise -sock him in the tummy

(directions below)

Say some girl's reading on a park bench or minding her own biz on the tread mill and some Yo Yo comes up and starts in with the business, he's pawing his own crotch, he smells like soup, wearing jewelry, he's dropping names like Oliver Stone and other people he knows, in short - a closet rapist. Now, walk up to him and sock him as hard as you can in his stomach. (Always stomach because it doesn't leave a mark so no one can prove shit). Also, when you punch someone in the face you'll break skin and it's not sanitary.

Note: I realize many guys don't know how to throw a punch which means #1 you're not a real American and # 2 you need to go learn how immediately. Power comes from the hips and the upper body must stay soft. Supple. What's actually hitting the dude is your body NOT your arm. Keep the arm fixed..anyway, google the rest. I don't have time to teach you punching - online.

8. Hunt and kill your own food at least once. FISHING doesn't count and if you kill a deer it can't be with some long range hunting rifle. That's horseshit and means nothing. Cross bows are acceptable but only if you're handicapped. Otherwise all killing must be done with a SPEAR, BOW AND ARROW, MORNING STAR, AXE, SLING, SNARE (home made using only what's in the forest) SACK OF ROCKS, NUN CHUCKS, THROWING STARS (just kidding, throwing stars are a total hoax. you could take fifty throwing stars the head and torso in truth and all it would do is mark you up a lot =fake weapon) OR KNIFE.

you can submit other weapons for review and I'll yea or nay as is appropriate.

That's all for now though there are a ton of other things one must do of a more altruistic manner. Stay tuned.